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Almost Not Quite

Updated: Oct 15, 2019

Opening reception Friday, March 23th 2017
Doors open at 6:30 PM

Much of Sanchez’s work centers around the tension of duality,

or what she calls “straddling the line”: the line between Chicano

and American, personal and universal, the artist and the

audience. Sanchez negotiates her place between these two

worlds by incorporating disparate elements from one side — sign

paintings throughout the downtown area, scenes from family

photos, her own signature color palette — with the formal

techniques she learned as a Fine Arts major and working in the

commercial design field. She prompts the audience to

code-switch alongside her, forcing them to think about their

own assumptions.

The essential questions being asked through her paintings are

the same questions her personal identity challenges. When is

art ‘Latinx’ and when is it ‘American’, when is it personal and

when is it universal? Through the melange of her paintings

Gabriella suggests the answer is all of the above, always.


Gabriella Sanchez is a multidisciplinary artist from Los Angeles.

She received her BFA in Fine Art in 2011. After graduating

Gabriella moved to Paris where she worked as an au pair and

freelance graphic designer. It was at that time that she began

to integrate graphic design with her fine art practice. This

resulted in a commission for her first commercial art project by

the French magazine, Le Particulier. Sanchez honed her skills

working in-house with Los Angeles based design and fashion

brands until 2016 when she established an art studio under her

own name. Since then, she’s done work for major brands like

Nike, Toyota, Tumblr, Planned Parenthood, The White House,

Refinery29, and Headspace, creating a colorful array of artwork

in various mediums. As well as exhibiting her paintings and

installations both locally and abroad.

Gabriella is currently preparing for a solo exhibit with Charlie

James Gallery in Los Angeles opening July 2018.

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